The Taff Trail

The Mountain Bike Code

(although you don't need a mountain bike to enjoy the Taff Trail the following is good advice)

Ride in control at all times. This preserves you, other users and the environment.

Respect the rights of others. Take pride in sharing the outdoors with people enjoying other forms of recreation.

Be considerate towards walkers. A speeding bike can frighten walkers. Use a bell or call out to announce your presence. Give them right of way. Pass at no more than twice their walking speed.

Always give way to horses. Horses are easily frightened by bikes. A spooked horse can endanger you and its rider. Announce your presence, stop and talk to the rider as the horse passes. Be alert for signs of horses on the track (hoof prints or droppings).

Avoid skidding. Do not cut corners, stay on the track. Do not ride where cycling is not permitted or where public access is prohibited.

Wash your bike tyres before riding in a different area. This will reduce the chance of spreading plant diseases.

Avoid introducing road rage to the trails.

Be an ambassador for your sport, tell other people about this code.

Website - Disclaimer

It is intended that factual information placed on this website is accurate, however the responsibility is with the user of the Taff Trail to plan their journey using more than one source of information.

No responsibility can be accepted either by HazelGold Ltd or its Webmaster for inaccuracies, or the views expressed via forums or guest book by visitors to the site.

Remember to consider your fitness (and that of the weakest member of your party), equipment, route and weather when planning your journey. Please enjoy the Taff Trail but ensure you can complete your journey safely and avoid going further than your capability allows, especially if you have to return by the same route.

Welsh Language

This website has been provided on a voluntary basis without any outside resources whatsoever. If anyone reading this is prepared to work with the webmaster on the same basis to provide a Welsh Language version of the site, or believes they can obtain funding for such a project, please contact


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